
In a recent determination of an Immigration Judge of the First-tier Tribunal it was noted that the Entry Clearance Officer refused the application on the basis that  ‘…no third party assessment of the size and suitability of the accommodation had been supplied…’

Prior to the hearing the Sponsor contacted us to obtain an immigration inspection accommodation report in order to satisfy the accommodation requirements of the Immigration Rules.

In reference to our immigration inspection accommodation report the Immigration Judge determined ‘…The Appellants’ bundle includes a Property Inspection Report prepared…by a Chartered Surveyor. This notes that Mr xxx is renting two bedrooms at the property and states that the permitted number of persons that can be accommodated in these rooms – in line with the Housing Act 1985 – is four. The house as a whole is described ‘‘in very good condition’’ and has two bathrooms.  I am satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that the parties will be able to accommodate themselves and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds: paragraph 281 (iv)…’

Our client was delighted that they won the appeal and our immigration inspection accommodation report proved to be one of the decisive pieces of evidence which led to a successful outcome.

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